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Emplois dans la mode en Luxembourg

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Design et Création
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Your search Sales Employee Messancy (24 heures) did not match any of the jobs.
  • (Junior) Buyer


    L'acheteur (junior) joue un rôle essentiel dans la gestion de l'approvisionnement et de la planification des collections, en garantissant l'alignement avec les objectifs de vente, la stratégie de marque et les tendances du marché...

    Parc Industriel 9 | 1440 Wauthier-Braineloading...
  • Production & Technical Design Internship (m/w/d)

    DAMUR GmbH

    The signature #designs contrast BOLD and ELEGANT elements to create fashion that fuses zeitgeist and futuristic styles. Naughty yet Effortless is our essence. Designed in Berlin and crafted in Poland and Taiwan. We always stand out from the crowd with achieve progressive performance in...

  • Fashion Design Internship (m/w/d)

    DAMUR GmbH

    The signature #designs contrast BOLD and ELEGANT elements to create fashion that fuses zeitgeist and futuristic styles. Naughty yet Effortless is our essence. Designed in Berlin and crafted in Poland and Taiwan. We always stand out from the crowd with achieve progressive performance in...

  • Visual Design & Communications Internship (m/w/d)

    DAMUR GmbH

    The signature #designs contrast BOLD and ELEGANT elements to create fashion that fuses zeitgeist and futuristic styles. Naughty yet Effortless is our essence. Designed in Berlin and crafted in Poland and Taiwan. We always stand out from the crowd with achieve progressive performance in...

  • PR & Communication Internship (m/w/d)

    DAMUR GmbH

    The signature #designs contrast BOLD and ELEGANT elements to create fashion that fuses zeitgeist and futuristic styles. Naughty yet Effortless is our essence. Designed in Berlin and crafted in Poland and Taiwan. We always stand out from the crowd with achieve progressive performance in...

  • Marketing & Sales Internship (m/w/d)

    DAMUR GmbH

    The signature #designs contrast BOLD and ELEGANT elements to create fashion that fuses zeitgeist and futuristic styles. Naughty yet Effortless is our essence. Designed in Berlin and crafted in Poland and Taiwan. We always stand out from the crowd with achieve progressive performance in...

  • Conseiller de vente 16h - Luxembourg - CDD (H/F)


    Description de l'entreprise Depuis les Grands Boulevards de Paris, Fursac créé sa vision exigeante d'un vestiaire réfléchi, ouvert, français. Depuis 1973, l'esprit n'a pas changé, chacun de nos vêtements doit être aussi bien pensé qu'un costume.Fursac dispose de 63 points de vente en France et en...
